Meet the beauty of Magnetism and its applications

Travel through the 10 different stations of magnetism journey

person holding magnet
Let's Get Magnetized started as an activity at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki on Open Days, May 2016, while it continues with actions both in the events of AUTh , but also through school visits
  • Playing with simple materials highlights the practical application of magnetism from the macrocosm to nanotechnology.
  • This activity aims to highlight the phenomena of magnetism that we encounter both in our daily experience and through learning processes of each level (Elementary, Junior High, High School, Lyceum, University).
  • Visitors to this website can see visual magnetism experiments that highlight the beauty of magnetism as well as its application in our daily lives.
  • In practice, we show that magnetism has energy that can be used both in the macrocosm and up to the level of nanotechnology.
  • The magnetism journey has 10 stations. Each station has its own routes, and each route consists of one or more experiments, while addresses are given for further study and websites of companies that supply magnetic materials mainly for educational purposes.
magnet home

Meet the 10 different stations of magnetism journey!

Each station has its own routes, and each route consists of one or more experiments, while addresses are given for further study and websites of companies that supply magnetic materials mainly for educational purposes.